It's no surprise that the image of the Doge dog has become familiar, and at some point, you might have felt bored with the familiar image of Doge. Don't worry because Ski Mask Doge is here to become a trending meme on Base Chain, taking Doge's place and leading a new trend in the cryptocurrency market >.<

On a beautiful day, Ski Mask Doge decided to challenge himself by embarking on a new adventure. He donned a knitted ski mask over his head, revealing only his mischievous eyes and ever-smiling mouth.

“What are we going to do today, Ski Mask Doge?” asked his best friend, Brian Armstrong.

“We’re going to ski down the Blockchain mountains!” Ski Mask Doge replied excitedly.

But instead of skiing, Ski Mask Doge ended up sliding down the town’s largest coin, causing everyone to burst into laughter. This blue Doge, wearing a ski mask, not only represented a new meme token project named after him.

Whenever someone asked about the project, Ski Mask Doge would just giggle and say, “It’s our little secret!” making everyone even more curious about the wonders he and the project could bring.

And from then on, Ski Mask Doge was not only a symbol of fun and mystery but also an inspiration for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, always looking forward to the exciting things about to happen.


Select Wallet:
First, you need to choose a wallet that supports the Base chain. Popular wallets include MetaMask and Trust Wallet. Download the wallet app or install the browser extension if necessary.

Deposit Funds:
Next, deposit funds into your wallet by purchasing a popular cryptocurrency like Ethereum (ETH) from a cryptocurrency exchange. You'll need to transfer funds from that exchange to your wallet.

Connect Wallet to Base Chain:
Open your wallet app or browser extension and connect it to the Base chain. For example, in MetaMask, you can do this by adding the Base chain network by entering network information.

Search for Token:
Use your wallet to search for and add the coin you want to buy on the Base chain. Sometimes, you may need to enter the contract address of the coin or use a direct link.

Purchase Coin:
Once you've added the coin to your wallet, you can purchase it using ETH or Base coin (if available) that you've deposited into your wallet beforehand.


  • Token Name: SKI MASK DOGE

  • Token Symbol: $SKID

  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 SKID

  • Tax: 0% Tax Buy, Sell

  • Contract Renounce

  • LP pool lock one year